Lee Baron Flagship

Drawing inspiration from the contemporary luxury sneaker culture and the essence of Huntsville, Lee Baron's city of origin, the design of the Lee Baron Flagship store epitomizes the creativity inherent within the sneaker community. Every aspect within the expansive 3500 sqft area is meticulously tailored to reflect the distinct identity of the Lee Baron brand, with a plethora of locally crafted objects from Houston. The materials chosen reflect a narrative of progress, featuring polished marble, lacquer, custom black iron hanging rods, glass, onyx, ebonized wood, all harmoniously narrating the tale of Lee Baron.

The vibrant cobalt blue, complemented by classic black and white, serves as the focal accent color within the shop, adding a touch of elegance to the showcased sneakers and streetwear. A bespoke neon sign crafted by a local Houston artist and a lavish artificial floral arrangement from the Bilal Rehman X FAO In Design Collection serve as the ideal embellishments to elevate the specially crafted checkout desk, which boasts a built-in glass display fashioned by skilled porcelain fabricators based in Houston.


Local Houston artist Mena meticulously hand-painted the geometric black and white pattern adorning the archways, infusing the space with a touch of local artistry. Remaining faithful to the enduring design philosophy, Rehman integrated several iconic furniture pieces, including the renowned Roly Poly Chair, instantly evoking a sense of familiarity and elevated opulence for discerning shoppers.